Psalm 148

Praise God in the highest heavens;
praise God above the stars.

Praise God, you bodhisattvas,
you angels burning with God's love.

Praise God in the depths of matter;
praise God in atomic space.

Praise God, you whirling electrons,
you unimaginable quarks.

Praise God in lifeless galaxies;
praise God from the pit of black holes.

Praise God, creatures on all planets,
inconceivable forms of life.

Let them all praise the Unnamable,
the one who is their source, their home,

Who made them in all their beauty
and the laws by which they exist. 


Praise God upon the earth,
whales and all creatures of the sea,

fire, hail, snow, and frost,
hurricanes fulfilling God's command,

mountains and barren hills,
fruit trees and cedar forests,

wild animals and tame,
reptiles, insects, birds,

creatures invisible to the eye,
and tiniest one-celled beings,

rich and poor, powerful
and oppressed, dark-skinned and light-skinned,

men and women alike,
old and young together.

Let them praise the Unnamable God,
whose goodness is the breath of life,

in whose image we are made,
the light that fills heaven and earth.


All:      Let them all praise the Unnamable,
            the one who is their source, their home.