Religion and Science
  • Defend Science Statement – The Defend Science Statement aims to rally broad opposition and resistance to the mounting attacks on science and scientific thinking which are unfolding in the United States. Its basic aim now is to run the Defend Science Statement, signed by scientists, as an ad in major newspapers, reaching millions. At this point the Statement is signed by over 2300 scientists and members of the scientific and larger community. Anyone who supports the aim of the statement is invited to become a signatory.

  • Edward O. Wilson, "The Biological Basis of Morality," The Atlantic Monthly (April 1998): 53-70.

  • Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences - a non-profit international membership organization dedicated to promoting the creative mutual interaction between contemporary theology and the natural sciences

  • Counterbalance: New Views on Complex Issues - Counterbalance is currently working with organizations such as the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) (the Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science to provide access to the very latest and most credible information in the emerging field of science and religion.

  • National Center for Science Education - a nonprofit, tax-exempt membership organization working to defend the teaching of evolution against attacks by conservative religious groups.  Many links.

  • The Theory of Evolution and Creation Science - Useful discussion of the topic and many links to related sites representing both naturalistic and theistic evolution, on the one hand, and so-called "creation science," on the other.

Healing Religion's Harm
Gary Pence, Ph.D.