My Own Essays
and Other Writings
- Sermons
- My Thoughts on the Texts for Epiphany 6 - How to approach disturbing biblical texts.
- "Ministry as a Subversive Activity" - An Address to the graduates of Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary at their commencement exercises, May 14, 2005.
- Book
review of Mark D. Jordan, The Ethics of Sex, Blackwell
2002, in Advent, the newsletter of Lutherans Concerned--San
Francisco Bay Area, Fall 2002.
- Constructing
Spiritualities Responsive to Our Age (2001) - a version of an article
published as "Constructing a Christian Polydoxy" in dialog:
A Journal of Theology. Winter 2001, pp. 264-269.
- Sin:
An Abusive Doctrine? (1998) - "Sin" is a word that
describes our distorted and irrational belief that God expects us to
be something we are not. It was published in the fall 1999 issue
of dialog, together with five responses and my "Response
to My Responders. For these and other responses, click
- The
Gospel in Evolutionary Perspective (1998) - This is my attempt
to think positively about the implications of evolutionary psychology
for the Gospel.
- The
Gospel (1997) - A chapter for a book I planned to write on Christian maturity from theological and psychological perspectives.
- The
Need for Critical Consciousness - fundamental to my
understanding of religion
- Enlightenment,
Evolution, and Christianity (1998) - These are my reflections
on religion against the backdrop of the sociobiology of Edward
O. Wilson and his appeal for a unity of knowledge.
- Bible
(8/16/98) - Why and in what sense is the Bible inspired, revelatory,
and authoritative?
- God
(2/4/98) - In this piece I contrast popular anthropomorphic
understandings of God with God as Ground of Being and draw
implications from the distinction.
- "Goals
and Plans for Minority Ministry," LCA Partners 1:2 (April 1979), pp. 7-9.
- "A
Tale Told by an Idiot"? Finding Meaning When Myths Collapse
(9/22/1999) - My inaugural lecture when installed as Professor of
Pastoral Theology.
- Demosthenes' Use of Epideictic Commonplaces in His Deliberative Speeches Against Philip, unpublished doctoral dissertation, Princeton University, 1981. (large file - 12 MB)
Religion's Harm
Gary Pence, Ph.D.