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PS1012 Pastoral Care and Counseling

Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary

Fall 2004
Mondays, 7:10 pm - 10:00 pm
PLTS Giesy Hall #1

Gary Pence

Theory and practice of pastoral care and counseling within a Lutheran and ecumenical context. Integration of biblical, theological, liturgical, spiritual, and psychological perspectives and resources. Attention to pastoral care and brief pastoral counseling of individual children and adults, couples, and families; personal and faith development; family systems and family of origin theory. Role-playing, cases, films, lectures, small groups, etc.






Family of Origin Paper (Due 11/1)

Your task is to write an account (10-15 pages) of your extended family of origin covering three generations (including your own generation). For an example read my own Family of Origin paper online.

Your paper should include the following items:

1. Genogram covering three or more generations including major events such as births, deaths, marriages, divorces, illnesses, work successes or failures.

2. An interactional description of your family of origin over time. To the degree possible, this section should include the following:

a. Your parents' relationships in their families of origin (i.e. proximity to, distance from their parents, siblings, etc.)

b. Your parents' courtship, engagement, and early years of marriage.

c. Birth of children, their infancy, childhood, adolescence.

d. Leaving home - parents alone.

e. Death of parents

Within each life stage, pay attention to how the family of origin subsystems function (spouse subsystem, parent-child, siblings, aunt/uncle- nieces/nephews, grandparents-parents-grandchildren, etc.)

3. Describe (with examples) the spoken and unspoken "rules" of your family of origin and your role in it with members of your family.

4. Give your ideas about how, in the present, you are maintaining (or abolishing) the rules of your family of origin with new significant others (e.g. partner, spouse, children, close friends).

If you spent part or all of your growing years outside of a "family" context, describe the other system(s) in which you were raised.

Please note that your papers should be more than just a recitation of facts. They should show understanding of the interactional patterns, conflicts, and "atmosphere" within the family over time, with a special emphasis on how you were personally affected.

Read my Confidentiality statement online. I follow the same principles in class as I do in my clinical practice. This paper and its content will remain strictly confidential and will not be shared either specifically or in general terms with anyone.


Learning in this class derives from your engagement with the readings (assigned and optional), class sessions, written assignments, other students, instructor, your own reflection alone and with others. Students who attend class sessions regularly and complete all assignments will receive an "A". Failure to complete a minimum of 10 postings to the class Discussion Board reduces the grade to a "C". Failure to complete the Family of Origin paper reduces the grade to an "F".


McGoldrick, Monica. (1995). You Can Go Home Again: Reconnecting With Your Family. Norton.
Miller, Alice. (1997). The Drama of the Gifted Child. Rev./Updated ed. with a New Afterward by the Author. Basic Books.
Kegan, Robert. (1994). In Over Our Heads: The Mental Demands of Modern Life. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Lee, Wanda M. L. (1999). An Introduction to Multicultural Counseling.. Accelerated Development.
All other readings are available online.


Course Schedule

SESSION 1 - 9/13/2004

Psalm 23 (PDF version)
What is pastoral care and counseling?
Core dimensions of counseling
Screening of video, "Collaborative Case Conceptualization as a Therapeutic Intervention - Christine Padesky"


My understanding of counseling.
Gestalt "Prayer"

Working Definition of Pastoral Care But compare the alternative definition offered by Bonnie J. Miller-McLemore in "Feminist Theory in Pastoral Theology."
Core Conditions for Human Growth (A.G.E.)
W.E. Hulme. (1990). "Lutheran Pastoral Care." Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling. 670-672.
R. Reed. (1990). "Anglican Pastoral Care." Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling. 42f.
W.B. Oglesby. (1987). "Referral as Pastoral Care." J. of Pastoral Care, 41:2. 176-187.

SESSION 2 -9/20/2004

Psalm 148 (PDF Version)
Pastoral Care in a Multicultural Context


Wanda Lee, An Introduction to Multicultural Counseling.

SESSION 3 - 9/27/2004

Psalm 46 (PDF version)
The Power of Family (Monica McGoldrick)


McGoldrick, You Can Go Home Again: Reconnecting With Your Family.

SESSION 4 - 10/4/2004

Psalm 57 (PDF version)
Family Systems Theory in Pastoral Care
The Genogram and its Uses
Screening of video, "The Use of the Genogram in Brief Therapy - Olga Silverstein"


E.H. Friedman. (1985). "The Idea of a Family" and "Understanding Family Process." Generation to Generation. Chs. 1-2. 11-64.
M. McGoldrick & R. Gerson. (1988). "Genograms and the Family Life Cycle" in Changing Family Life Cycle. Ch. 8. 164-189.
G. Pence, (1990). "Family of Origin Paper." Unpublished paper.

SESSION 5 - 10/11/2004

Psalm 31 (PDF version)
Dimensions of our Families


H. Anderson. (1984). "Effective Family Functioning"and "Perspectives for the Pastoral Care of Families." The Family and Pastoral Care. Chs. 7-8. 83-123.
Kath Weston. (1991). "Families We Choose." Families We Choose: Lesbians, Gays, Kinship. Ch. 5. 103-136.

SESSION 6 - 10/18/2004

Psalm 27 (PDF version)
Parenting's Pitfalls


Alice Miller, The Drama of the Gifted Child.
Malcolm Gladwell, "Annals of Behavior: Do Parents Matter?"
Lawrence Diller, "Second Opinions"
National Clearinghouse on Child Abuse and Neglect Information.

10/25/2004 - READING WEEK - No class

SESSION 7 - 11/1/2004 (Family of Origin Paper Due)

Psalm 13 (PDF version)
Parenting's Promise


Gary Pence, "Infant Baptism as a Family Rite of Passage." Pastoral Psychology 46:3 1998:185-206.
Kegan, Prologue and Chs 1-3. 1-106.

SESSION 8 - 11/8/2004

Psalm 139 (PDF Version)


H. Anderson. (1981). "You Must Leave Before You Can Cleave: A Family Systems Approach to Premarital Pastoral Work." Pastoral Psychology, 30:2. 71-88.
C.A. Crawford. (1988). "Ministry from a Single Perspective." Journal of Pastoral Care, 42:2. 117-123.
M. McGoldrick. (1988). "The Joining of Families Through Marriage: The New Couple." in Changing Family Life Cycle. Ch. 10. 209-233.
Circumplex Model: Couple and Family Map
Kegan, Chs. 4 - 6. Pp. 198-233.

SESSION 9 - 11/15/2004

Psalm 55 (PDF version)
Domestic Violence
Screening of video, "Broken Vows: Religious Perspectives on Domestic Violence"


Pamela Cooper-White 1995). "Rape" and "Battering", Chs. 4-5. The Cry of Tamar: Violence Against Women and the Church's Response. 79-125.
Marie Fortune (1995). "Forgiveness: The Last Step," in C.J. Adams & M.M. Fortune, Violence against women and children. 201-206.
Domestic Violence Slide Show

SESSION 10 - 11/22/2004

Psalm 147 (PDF version)


J.R. Nichols. (1988). "Rethinking Some Aspects of Ministry to the Divorced: A Theological Retake." Journal of Pastoral Care, 42:2. 101-115.
J.S. Peck & J.R. Manocherian. (1988). "Divorce in the Changing Family Life Cycle." in Changing Family Life Cycle. Ch. 15. 335-369.

SESSION 11 - 11/29/2004

Psalm 131 (PDF version)
Middle Age


C.V. Gerkin. (1989). "Pastoral Care and Models of Aging." Journal of Religion and Aging. 83-100.
P.G. McCullough & S.K. Rutenberg. (1988). "Launching Children and Moving On." in Changing Family Life Cycle. Ch. 13. 285-309.

SESSION 12 - 12/6/2004

Psalm 90 (PDF version)
Screening of video, "Hospital"


E. Goss. (1989). "Living and Dying with AIDS." Journal of Pastoral Care, 43:4. 297-308.
F.S. Moyer. (1989). "Pastoral Care in the Hospital." Journal of Pastoral Care, 43:2. 171-183.
R.H. Sunderland. (1989). "Caring for People Living and Dying with AIDS." Journal of Pastoral Care, 43:4. 311-323.
R.L. Morgan. (1994). "The Case: Confessions of a Pastoral Visitor." Second Opinion. 20:2. 37-41.
R.E. Koenig. (2994). "Commentary: The Pastor as Patient." Second Opinion. 20:2. 43-47.
"This Little Light: Chaplaincy at San Francisco General Hospital"

Kegan, Ch. 7. 234-270.

SESSION 13 - 12/13/2004

Psalm 40 (PDF version)
Bereavement and Mourning


B. Flatt. (1988). "Grief Counseling." Journal of Pastoral Care, 36:3. 133-145.
J.W. Worden. (1991). Grief Counseling and Grief Therapy.
Kegan, Chs. 9-10, "Epilogue." 307-355